Mother-Daughter Power! is the culmination of a lifetime of healing with my own mother. Added to this is the wealth of experience I’ve gained working with women whose issues go back to their relationships with their mothers. Mother-Daughter Power! normally takes place with 3 sessions over a three week period. Please contact me to discuss the workshop structure for the two of you as it varies depending if we are on-line or in-person.
Daughter: After the workshop, I feel lighter and more open. We have more tools to work together and to support each other. I feel that we are able to communicate and relate to each other on a deeper level. And, even though we have completely different belief systems, we are able to listen to each other, to understand and to be understood, even if we don’t agree. I thought that I needed my mother to let me walk my own path, but I learned that I also need to let her walk her own path.
Mother: Through Mother-Daughter Power! we broke through the barriers that separate us. I have found ways to show my amazing daughter that I support her in her life. Through that support we are more powerful together! The continents that separate us no longer keep us apart.
Daughter in Paris, Mother in the USA
The intensive freed up so much tension. We are so much more relaxed together. I have renewed trust and no longer feel I have to hide my feelings as my mother and I have a new level of emotional comfort between us.
American student, Sorbonne, with mother from USA
Daughter: I aspired to be my mother as she seemed so confident and okay with herself. With Marjorie, I saw when I stop idealizing my mother and comparing myself to her I am less lonely but also more independent. The workshop helped me see I don’t have to deal with things the same way my mother does. A major outcome for me was telling my mom that when I'm having a hard time I don't want advice, no matter how good it is. When I'm suffering, I suffer more when she gives me advice. I just need her presence when I'm hurting.
Mother: It was a revelation to me to respect her process instead of trying to change it. There’s a right and wrong time to give advice. The workshop offered a safe space for the most open communication we’ve ever had, and provided tools to ensure we uphold this level of openness. I’ve had deep insight into the relationship with my own mother, and have found forgiveness, understanding, and the importance and power of the maternal line.
Japanese-American mother and daughter in Paris
As a graduate student I hadn’t seen my mother in over a year due to lockdown. We did this workshop online from me in Paris to her in the Caribbean. I had been carrying the weight of my parent’s divorce for years. The weight was lifted. My mom let go of her guilt. This helped me so much to let go of my trying to rationalize my dad’s behavior. In getting all of this out in the open, mom and I are both freer to live our own lives. I am freer from the belief that long term relationships end in disaster. I am freer to be available to romantic relationship in my own life.
American mother and daughter across the ocean
My relationship with my mom completely transformed. It went from her trying to contain me to where she began to celebrate my spirit of adventure. It went from being fear based to embracing me and meeting me where I was at instead of me having to be smaller to make her comfortable.
We both wrote old and new contracts. Hers was:
OLD CONTRACT : You can only do what I can protect. You have to stay close to me or I can't protect you. You can only do what I know.
NEW CONTRACT: I celebrate my daughter's spirit of adventure and I allow it to inspire me to do things I'd be afraid to do or that are not in my control. I agree to all of this in the spirit of being more alive.
We then had adventures where my mother who was "afraid of everything" was able to go to countries where she didn't speak the language. She no longer HAD to keep me safe. Now she could tap into her own spirit of adventure.
In the Intensive I learned to ask for what I needed from my mom and now I can do it in other relationships that are important to me.
American study abroad student, Berkeley, with mother from USA
Marjorie’s workshop, "Mother-Daughter Power!" lives up to its name. Before the workshop, my mom and I had very rarely discussed the loss of a close relative that occured before I was born. She was surprised to learn how her loss had affected me at a very young age, at how a little girl could sense her mother's grief. Since the workshop with Marjorie, where I was safe to cry these unshed tears, I feel less alone and liberated! Mom and I are more comfortable to talk about the past and with this ease between us I am also more comfortable being my own person and making my own decisions.
French mother and daughter (mother of two small children)
The mother : Marjorie suggested I bring in my daughters for a day-long intensive to have their support in resolving my loss of sense of self. It was extraordinary how my daughters helped me see that the loss of my relationship with my mother was at the source of it. Now I'm feeling stronger in myself. Feeling the support of my daughters, feeling I can ask for help. Feeling loved. For once, I’m asking for help and the girls are more sensitive in offering to help and taking on more responsibility. They're insisting they deal with it rather than me just doing it.
What’s possible for me now is having a greater awareness of my feelings and expressing them rather than bottling everything up. I feel freer. There’s more energy, a lot more energy.
The daughters : We’re having constructive, meaningful conversations. Mom is standing up for herself more and talking more. She's got more pep in her step!
And we feel no longer over-protected. We’re empowered to think differently about ourselves, to see ourselves in a way that is more affirming.
Mother from Paris and her two daughters, students in USA
Mother-Daughter Power! is Relationship Reset even deeper because the mother-daughter connection is foundational. For women it is often the source of all other relationships, including the one you have with yourself.
The workshop proposes: learning how to communicate in ways that foster closeness and also create good boundaries; dealing with conflict; living the experience of how body image is passed down from mother to daughter; healing patterns of behavior between mothers and daughters that go back generations; developing greater confidence in yourself and in your interactions with others.